A few mins ago watched a video by Chakravarthi Sulibele, abt economic boycott of peacefuls I may not agree with other ideas of his, but this 1 made sense. Economics wise. Who boycotted whom, why, and most importantly, what started the game!
He quotes the mandatory Alaal marking on almost everything in India. And peqcefuls are mandated to consume products which are alaal approved. Result is 95% of products are marked.... even hospitals and lifesaving drugs to mundane coconut oil. Many lengthy articles have been written abt process to obtain approval of manufacturing facility periodic audits and per marking fee. Unlike ISO, only alaal topis are accredited to certify. So its a closed ecosystem. Nobody else is allowed to enter their economic system. Isnt this an economic boycott of every1 else by alaal topis?
For reference; BEE asked for ₹10 per FE Rating sticker per vehicle which costs min. ₹5L, every1 screamed why why why. Here we silently pay even on ₹1 sachet of shampoo.
Allright let's move on to the real point.
I read this meme or joke whatever on SM. A wife claiming she put her foot down against her MIL insisting she take bath before cooking. Infact she says she made it a condition for marriage. Both meekly accepted, and she victoriously put his on SM. And a bevvy of followers crooning u go girl.
My mom always insisted on this. Aleast wash ur face and brush ur teeth before entering kitchen. She had a simple word.. ಮಡಿ. My ex protested vehemently... in fact this was quoted as domestic harassment in court by her. Judge also agreed it was against her free will. Countless Hindus have been admonished, shamed for their following ಮಡಿ, even when it cost nothing. The practice has almost vanished, nowadays.
But then why do the same ppl meekly accept the practice of alaal and marking at economic loss to themselves? Why don't they tell alaal topis we won't pay u to get the mark as it has no scientific or legal basis in India atleast.
Do they accept paying thru their nose for a mark which has no significance is their free will? Really?
Is it any different from jejiya? Think hard ppl